In the heart of Zagreb, Jura Kamenski isn’t just working at any coworking space, at WESPA Coworking he’s part of a community. Here, modern design seamlessly blends with cutting-edge technology, all fuelled by a singular quest: crafting the perfect coworking experience. From the moment WESPA opened its doors, they knew a traditional access control system wouldn’t cut it. They needed something as innovative and flexible as their vision. That’s where Tapkey came in, transforming WESPA’s space into a haven of effortless access and happy members. Dive deeper and discover how Tapkey’s mobile access control played a pivotal role in their success.

On a Quest for an Access Control Solution

The journey to find the perfect access control solution was not without its challenges. Jura and his team scoured the market, evaluating various options and weighing the pros and cons of each. After some time, they stumbled upon Tapkey which matched the dynamic environment’s pace of their coworking space.

“Tapkey stood out not only for its value for money but also for its ease of use. It aligned perfectly with our operational goals and budget constraints”, says Jura 

Easy Installation, Effortless Operations

Over 10 Tapkey locks now secure WESPA’s space and the journey has been smooth sailing. The installation process turned out to be surprisingly straightforward. With the help of Tapkey’s dedicated support team, WESPA’s staff managed to complete the setup in record time.

“The installation process was straightforward, and subsequent implementations became even more streamlined after the initial set-up”, they note.

Freed from the burden of managing physical keys, WESPA’s team could now focus on their initial quest: enhancing member experience and fostering community engagement. 

Smartphone-Centric Access: The New Norm

In a bustling environment where thousands of visitors grace their space weekly, convenience is king. And Tapkey’s smartphone-centric approach has been a game-changer. Gone are the days of fumbling for key cards or remembering passcodes. Now, members simply download the Tapkey App, get access permissions from the owner, and enter all facilities with a quick tap on their smartphone. 

“Almost everyone unlocks with the app,” Jura affirms, highlighting the seamless user experience. With members utilising smartphones for access, Tapkey has become an indispensable part of their daily operations. 

For members who prefer an alternative solution, Tapkey shines with its flexibility. NFC tags offer a convenient backup option, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and secure accessing the space. Nevertheless, at WESPA, NFC tags are only used in special cases. 

Member satisfaction remains sky-high, with minimal reports of issues and a straightforward user experience. The motto is simple: Tap. Unlock. Enter.

Security Simplified: Tapkey’s Promise

Of course, in a shared workspace environment, security is paramount. WESPA’s members trust them to provide a safe and secure environment where they can focus on their work without worry. Fortunately, Tapkey seamlessly aligns with WESPA’s commitment to security. With its robust encryption protocols, Tapkey ensures that only authorized individuals access their spaces. Jura and his team can rest easy knowing that their members’ safety is in good hands. “Another bonus is that Tapkey’s locks are all manufactured in Europe. This gives us peace of mind”, states Jura.

In this context, they also highlighted the support from Tapkey’s side. “The Tapkey support is fast, professional and solution-oriented”, says Jura in this interview. 

Future-Proofing Growth: Tapkey’s Scalability

Looking towards the future, WESPA sees Tapkey as a partner in growth, e.g. adding new locks to accommodate a growing membership base. Also, the maintenance of the Tapkey system has been a breeze for the team. Absolutely hassle-free. 

“Tapkey’s ease of use, excellent cost-performance ratio, and stellar customer support make it a must-have for any coworking space looking to elevate its access control management.” – Jura Kamenski.

As WESPA scales new heights, Tapkey will be right there, unlocking all doors within the coworking space, now and in the future.

Portrait of Jura Kamenski

Interview with Jura Kamenski | IT Consultant at WESPA Coworking

Jura Kamenski has been a driving force at WESPA since its inception, contributing over three years of expertise across various business lines. WESPA has emerged as one of Europe’s premier coworking spaces, boasting two locations and over 600 members. With a focus on excellence, WESPA offers a comprehensive range of services, from top-notch meeting rooms to personalized private zones and virtual solutions, setting the standard in the coworking and events industry.

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