Facility Management

From Key Chaos to Digital Order: How Schulze Facility Services Embraced Tapkey

When the facility service provider Hausmeisterservice Schulze decided to open their (digital) door to Tapkey, it quickly became clear: this was more than just a regular access control solution—it was a true game-changer for their business. So, what convinced the traditional family-owned company from Cologne to go for smart tech? The answer: simplicity, flexibility, and the end of the dreaded key management headache!

A Day in the Life of Schulze Facility Services

Schulze Facility Services manages a diverse range of properties around Cologne, ensuring everything is in top condition. The dedicated team handles a broad spectrum of tasks, from maintaining green spaces to managing technical facilities. Whether it’s scorching summer days or chilly winter mornings, the team is always on hand, working hard to meet their clients’ needs.

The company, founded and led by Mr. Schulze, is supported by his two sons-in-law. Together, they ensure smooth operations and top-notch customer satisfaction every single day.

The Schulze team says, “Our clients expect a turnkey, hassle-free solution from us.”

Naturally, this is where a digital access system comes into play!

Ditch the Physical Keys – Say Hello to Tapkey!

Why the switch? Managing physical keys manually wasn’t just time-consuming, but it also posed significant security risks. If a key was lost, it was pure chaos: the entire lock had to be replaced, which was not only costly but also ate up a lot of time. A real key drama! The thought of controlling access conveniently via an app and being able to instantly deactivate digital keys in case of an emergency was a huge relief for the team.

With the introduction of Tapkey, everything has changed. Now, 40 smart locks are installed across multiple properties—covering entrance doors, technical rooms, and even underground garage gates. Access can now be granted, modified, or revoked in a flash—all with just a few clicks. This new technology has allowed the team to focus on what really matters: the upkeep and maintenance of the properties, without the constant worry of losing keys.

Thanks to this digital solution, the daily operations of Schulze Facility Services have become much simpler and more streamlined.

Smooth Installation and Even Smoother Management

The installation went off without a hitch—no drama and no extended construction work that could disrupt operations. But what’s even more important is that the new solution has significantly lightened the load for Mr. Schulze and his team.

“We no longer need to manage physical keys and can adjust access permissions as needed,” the team shared enthusiastically.

And that means: no more frantic key searches in the morning that used to cause stress and panic, and no more lost keys that would leave the team sweating. Instead, they now enjoy full control over all access points. This flexibility is especially valuable in the event of a “digital key loss.” Instead of panicking and scrambling for a quick fix, they can simply deactivate access with the app—with just a single click.

The Schulze team is convinced: “We’re planning to equip even more properties with digital locks.”

Why Tapkey? Mr. Schulze Would Recommend It to Anyone

Whether for daily operations, easy management, or excellent support—Schulze Facility Services is completely satisfied.

“Tapkey offers a high level of flexibility and helps make our workday significantly easier. The system is intuitive and time-saving, and we’d recommend it anytime,” the team proudly states.

This story proves: with the right solution, even a traditional family business can be well-prepared for the digital future!

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