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6 Benefits of Cloud-Based Access Control

Whether in online banking or photos of the last team event: Everything is moving to the cloud. So why not manage access control via the cloud as well? Centralised management, more transparency and less complexity: These are just a few of the advantages that cloud-based access control systems have to offer. It also increases the efficiency and security of businesses. We’ll tell the 6 most important benefits of cloud-based access control and shout out: Off to the cloud! 

The 6 most important advantages of cloud-based access control

1. Flexibility

A cloud-based access control is ideal for companies with a high turnover or multiple sites. With a cloud-based security infrastructure, access to every location and every employee can be managed from one platform. Centrally managing and monitoring access permissions provides a high level of flexibility for a business and a real advantage over the competition. Companies can create fair business models that are adapted to the use of the target group. For example, a coworking operator can not only rent tables, but also charge a fee for access to specific lockers and roll cabinets. It is also possible to think about leasing a complete locking system.

2. More comfort

While you need to transfer the data from an on-premise system, you can log in directly to the web portal and view the relevant data via a cloud-based access control system. Simply log in to the web portal and have a look at the relevant data in the access log itself. It’s easier and more convenient.

3. Access from everywhere

Unlike on-premise systems, cloud-based access control systems work in real time and allow you to act faster. Especially for guest management, it helps to grant permissions remotely. Ad hoc access rights to third-party providers are thus greatly facilitated. For example, service technicians can be granted on-site access without you being present. Complete transparency is the motto. In the access log, authorised users have an overview of who unlocked which doors and when. This not only provides comfort, but also allows for detecting anomalies in the access activity and, if necessary, taking action.

4. Increased security

Automatic software updates and patches are important to ensure that the access control system is up-to-date and that any potential vulnerabilities are addressed. One thing is clear: the cloud is optimally patched. With a cloud-based access control system, updates are carried out quickly. This helps increase system efficiency and security and reduces the risk of human errors.

5. Integrations

Open interfaces allow the simple implementation of external services in your own services. You can either use existing integrations, or integrate access via smartphone into third-party apps, such as building management systems. The goal: automated workflows and time and cost savings. Our detailed API documentation shows how to integrate with Tapkey’s access technology.

6. New applications

Cloud-based access opens up completely new possibilities. By connecting multiple services, processes can be optimised. Whether in facility management or deliveries to construction sites: Thanks to cloud-based access control, service providers are being granted access and allowed to store their goods without the presence of the owner. Double journeys are a thing of the past. A good example to show cost savings, right? 


Local server is not necessary

Increased security through automated security updates

No high costs associated with the purchase of servers and wiring

Increased scalability and flexibility 



Local server is necessary

Extra costs for maintenance or software updates

Higher upfront costs for purchase of local servers and other hardware

Requires the presence of a specialist on site who can respond to any problems


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