How to Streamline Access Management with Tapkey’s Google Calendar Add-On

Efficient Access Management with Tapkey’s Google Calendar Add-On

The Google Calendar Add-On enables users to easily handle entry to physical areas by utilizing events within their Google Calendar. This means that businesses currently using Google Calendar can seamlessly integrate the Tapkey solution into their daily operations. This integration eliminates the need to manually grant access for permissions associated with reservations, streamlining the entire process.

Centralised Access Management

Centralised access management means that all access permissions are managed from a central point. This way of managing access is suitable for businesses aiming for enhanced control over space reservations based on memberships or specific reservation payments, such as a coworking space. The owner of the coworking space would be in charge of it. 

Ideal for Coworking Spaces

This picture shows the coworking space’s infrastructure. In order to be able to use the Google Calendar Add-On properly, the digital locks need to be installed already in the rooms.

Steps to Link Tapkey Application 

1. Tapkey smart locks already installed in facilities
2. Calendar Resources Setup
3. Installation of Add-On within Tapkey
4. Setup Locks per Calendar
5. Test Integration

Step-by-Step Guide: Tapkey x Google Calendar

Set Up a Google Calendar and connect with Tapkey

To start using this new Google Calendar Add-On, administrators first have to activate it within their web portal for their Tapkey Owner Account. Please note that the activation is only possible via the Tapkey webportal. To do so, you simply click on the menu Add-Ons in the webportal, click on Explore now, identify the Google Calendar Add-On and “Install”. Voila, you’re all set! 

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Sync Calendar Resource Events with Locks

A ‘calendar resource’ virtually represents physical spaces like conference rooms or desk areas. For example, to manage access to a desk room, you’d create a resource called “Desk Room 1.” This resource holds locks and access permissions for that space. Once a calendar resource is set up, assigning locks – known as lock mapping – is easy. Administrators can link specific locks to the resource, connecting physical access control with Google Calendar. This link automatically updates access permissions based on the calendar. If a team member has a meeting in “Desk Room 1,” access is granted during that time.

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Grant Access And Adjust Margin Time 

Once locks are assigned to a calendar resource, administrators gain the flexibility to grant access to individuals or groups of people. By simply adding invited people to a calendar event, the Tapkey processes take care of keeping access permission in sync with any new or updated calendar events. To provide users with more flexibility, the integration also offers a ‘margin time’. It allows for an extended time window of access before and after a
scheduled booking.

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Video Demo 

Usage of Tapkey and Google Calendar: Other Scenarios 

Decentralised Access Management

If your community members share equal access privileges to communal spaces and need reservation flexibility, this is for you. Learn how to set up Shared Calendar Resources and connect them with Tapkey.

More here

Distributed Management with Google Workspace

If your business is using  Google Workspace for building and resource management, stay here. Find out how to set up Google Workspaces room resources and connect them with Tapkey.

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